You can open DOCX file using Microsoft Word software application. Microsoft Word is an application developed by Microsoft as part of Microsoft Office. It has a long history with first version released in 1983 for Xenix. Currently Microsoft Word supports Windows and Mac OS desktop platforms. Also, platform specific versions of Microsoft Word are available for iOS and Android operating systems.
The best software to open DOCX file is Microsoft Word version 2007 or later. You can also use online version of Microsoft Office to open DOCX files.
DOCX files are compressed XHTML files. It means that DOCX file is binary but it can be decompressed and converted into textual XML form. In this form it can be read and modified by any text editor.
DOCX Quick Info | |
Microsoft Word OOXML Document File | |
MIME Type | |
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml. document | |
Opens with | |
Microsoft Word | |
Microsoft Office Online | |
Apache OpenOffice | |
LibreOffice |